April 2024 Newsletter - Filtering reference and choice dropdown lists; an admin console for self-hosters

Promoting your solutions built in Grist

Some users have asked us how they can sell solutions they have built in Grist. Often they’re an expert in a particular problem, have solved it in Grist, and want to help others solve it too.

Before building our own Grist marketplace, we want to experiment on an existing marketplace for templates and solutions services — Gumroad: https://gumroad.com/

If you’re interested in selling Grist solutions, we’d like to partner with you. Join our Discord and share your thoughts in the #sellers channel.


What’s New

Filtering reference and choice dropdown lists

When entering data into a reference or choice column you see a dropdown list of all available values to choose from. Sometimes the list can get long or confusing. You can now filter reference and choice columns’ dropdown lists by setting a condition. Learn how.

Use as table headers shortcut

Often when importing data from Excel to Grist, the first row contains what should be the column headers. Manually setting the correct column headers can be time consuming, but not anymore! Thank you to Camille Legeron (@CamilleLegeron) from the ANCT team who added a nifty shortcut to copy the values in a row to their respective columns’ labels. :star_struck:

Create new team sites in self-hosted Grist

Thanks again to Camille Legeron who made it possible to create additional team sites in self-hosted Grist. To create a new site, select “Create new team site” from the user or site menu, specify the name and domain of the new site, and click “Create site.”

Admin console for self-hosters

The admin console for self-hosters now includes sandbox settings information and a checkbox to automatically check for Grist release updates. :tada:


Networking improvements

Contributor Jonathan Perret (@jonathanperret) implemented a fallback mechanism for networks where WebSocket traffic is not allowed. If you or a colleague have had trouble using Grist behind a corporate network in the past, give it another shot!

Community highlights

  • @v1adimirn0va built a custom widget that displays data on a timeline. If you’re in our Discord server, check it out here!
    If you’re not in our Discord, join our server!

  • Andreas Klöckner (@inducer on Github) built a tool to collect form responses and save them to existing records in a Grist document. Check it out here!

Working on something cool with Grist? Let us know by posting in the Showcase forum or our #grist-showcase Discord channel!

Learning Grist

Webinar: Reference and Choice Dropdown List Filtering

Filtering a reference or choice column’s dropdown list is very useful in a variety of cases. In May, we’ll show you how to write dropdown condition formulas for the most common scenarios.

Thursday May 16 at 3:00pm US Eastern Time.


AI Formula Assistant Best Practices

In April we covered Grist’s AI Formula Assistant which simplifies the hardest part of spreadsheets — formulas. In this webinar we share tips on how to get the most out of the assistant.

This was also Michael’s first time leading a webinar! Michael joined the Grist team as a Solutions Engineer in March.


Migrate from Spreadsheet.com

In case you missed it, in March we built a tool to help you migrate your Spreadsheet.com data into Grist, including attachments and relations, without the need to manually download and upload your files. Check it out here!


I just pulled the last Docker Grist Omnibus and used it.

The filtered dropdown reference list has not been implemented in the Omnibus yet?

Omnibus updates on Thursdays. I can kick off a rebuild now.

Should be available now @Rogerio_Penna

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Great update!
Thank you!
My condition now is very similar to this

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thank you. I was not aware of the “update on thursdays” thing.

Thank you, very convenient. Is there a way to delete tests team sites?

I was looking forward to watching the webinar video from Thursday, May 16th at 3:00pm US Eastern Time, but I can’t find it on YouTube. Can anyone tell me if the webinar took place, and if so, when the video will be available? Thanks!

Hi! The webinar took place, but we are still in the process of uploading it.

For now, you can find a recording link here: Reference and Choice Dropdown List Filtering | Grist Webinar - Demio


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