Autocomplete to select item in a card view


I’m trying to set up a simple inventory management with Grist, and I’d like to have an “item” page, where I could:

  • add an item
  • select an already existing item
  • add one or more purchases for this item
  • add one or more sells for this item

Here is what I get so far:

This is nice because: I can add a new item, and once an item is selected, I can easily add purchases/sells for this item.

But it is not very userfriendly, as the way to select an already existing item with the small arrows does not work when there are thousands of items (which is my case).

I thought about adding a table widget in the same page, and make the card depend on the table selection, but in this case I lost the “+” icon to add a new item (and a table with thousands of entries would not make it that much easier to select the item one want to work on).

I thought about creating a custom widget with some autocomplete field, and make the card depend on it, but same story.

In my dreamed world, I’d thinking to have in the card widget an autocomplete field, which would act just as the two arrows, but would be much more powerful and user friendly.

But maybe I’m missing the point and there is a better pattern to achieve this!

Thanks for your lights :slight_smile:

I’ve renounced for now to have a single page to add a product and add purchases/sells for it, which it a bit a pity for UX.

About selecting the product, I’ve had a first try with a custom widget and a datalist:


  • this means loading all the products in the DOM (in the datalist element), which is quite slow (at least with a Sardinian Internet)
  • the autocomplete UX is not consistent with the whole document, which for a user is disappointing

Second try (still without being able to also add products from here): I’ve added a “State” table, and added one row on it, and disabled the create on it, and then added a compact card:

UX is much better like this. But needing to switch to another page to add a product and then switch again to add purchase/sells for it is still not very user friendly.

A setup I use sometimes has the shape of this example: Lightweight CRM - Grist

The collapsed widget on the top has the list of Contacts. You can click it and select an existing contact. To add a new one, you still have to click it, and then I usually either use a keyboard shortcut to insert a new row, or the row context menu.

It’s definitely still clunky, but it feels somewhat close. In particular, one thought (similar to your idea of replacing arrow keys with a dropdown) is to allow the “CONTACTS” button on top to itself be a dropdown, and have it also allow adding a new record (as a button or a dropdown option).

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+1 on this idea, definitely.

While we’re at it, @Yohan_Boniface don’t let the GUI fool you: even though the + and buttons are hidden, the keyboard shortcuts are still working.

  • PageDown/PageUp to go to next/previous card
  • Cmd-Enter to create a new entry

Clearly, the functionalities are still there.
I wonder why are the + and buttons hidden, though.