Can't build grist from source

I’m trying to build Grist from source on Windows. I’m following these instructions:

I’ve set up msys2 and installed all the dependencies there. Then I got an error about make not being a recognized command, so I installed that as well and started from the beginning again.

The first 3 commands work fine. yarn run setup however crashes with the error

C:\msys64\home\paul.pinterits\grist-desktop\scripts\ line 177: cd: core/sandbox/pyodide: No
 such file or directory
error Command failed with exit code 1.

I checked manually and that directory does in fact exist? So I re-ran the command, and that time it completed successfully.

Now I’m stuck at yarn run build. It fails with this error:

+ tsc --build tsconfig-ext.json
ext/desktop.package.json:1:1 - error TS1327: String literal with double quotes expected.

1 ../package.json

ext/desktop.package.json:1:1 - error TS1005: '{' expected.

1 ../package.json

ext/desktop.package.json:1:1 - error TS1328: Property value can only be string literal, numeric lite
ral, 'true', 'false', 'null', object literal or array literal.

1 ../package.json

ext/desktop.package.json:1:2 - error TS1003: Identifier expected.

1 ../package.json

ext/desktop.package.json:1:3 - error TS1003: Identifier expected.

1 ../package.json

ext/desktop.package.json:1:16 - error TS1005: '}' expected.

1 ../package.json

Found 6 errors.

error Command failed with exit code 2.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
error Command failed with exit code 2.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

It seems that the content of desktop.package.json got messed up somehow. Instead of json, it contains a file path:

$ cat ext/desktop.package.json