Custom widget to show URL as video

Hi, I notice that there’s a custom widget to show URL as image, could it be possible to do the same for video?

Thanks in advance.

Hi there!

It is possible but a bit tricky. First, get the embedding code for your video. If your video is on YouTube, it’s quite simple - click the “Embed” option when using the Share option on a video. That’s a snippet of HTML code. Second, for the Custom Widget, choose “Custom URL” and enter this for the URL:

This is the “HTML Viewer” custom widget, but with an extra permission to include iframes. Then give it read permission to your table, and select the column which contains the embed code.

Here’s a quick example: Grist

Let us know if you have any questions!

Wow, it work flawlessly! Thank you very much :heart:

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It looks completely awesome :heart_eyes:
Is there a video youtube explaining well that “Html viewer” with what we can do with it ?
So basically, we can make a gallery view reading a row of multiple attachments?
And can we also for example, display a gallery view not from a row but all the attachment of a table or of a view ?
Can we use Alpinejs to build that viewer ?