There’s a maAny-columned table (dwelling rental with communal payment concerns) where i have to ensure correct data input with previous months comparison & so forth.
The thing is within single table i have to re-define just the same function (say to define previous row, in dynamically filtered list) to make appropriate calculation for another column, and here three columns depend on (and run) the same function to go on which i think may cause considerable overhead and slow/sluggish behavior.
I’ll readily provide the whole example (picture) if needed, but for now below give an instance of that function repeated over 3 columns:
prev = OplataRenty.lookupOne(Dwelling=rec.Dwelling, SN=(rec.SN-1))
apart from the rest of calculations that depend on the variable above
Now the question is if it possible to define “table-scoped” functions to reuse, which would be great ?