Docker deployment keeps stopping during sandbox debugging

Hi Grist Community, we are really looking forward to test Grist for our research institute, but at the moment we are struggling to make it work. Even with the most basic setups
docker run -p 8484:443 -it gristlabs/grist:latest it will not finish the deployment we are always getting the following messages for the sandbox:
2024-08-13 14:17:38.534 - info: Sandbox stderr: [INFO] [main] Ready sandboxPid=36, flavor=unsandboxed, command=undefined, entryPoint=(default), docId=test
2024-08-13 14:17:38.535 - debug: NSandbox pyCall sandboxPid=36, flavor=unsandboxed, command=undefined, entryPoint=(default), docId=test, funcName=get_version, loadMs=498
2024-08-13 14:17:38.536 - debug: Sandbox shutdown starting sandboxPid=36, flavor=unsandboxed, command=undefined, entryPoint=(default), docId=test
2024-08-13 14:17:38.647 - debug: Sandbox exited with code 0 signal null sandboxPid=36, flavor=unsandboxed, command=undefined, entryPoint=(default), docId=test

And than it stops running. We tried it with different sandboxing options, XSAVE is active. So we do not really know what else we can do. I hope that you can help us to start testing Grist. Thanks a lot!

This log normaly
I also faced this problem,

  1. as soon as I add Redis to the variables everything crashes.
  2. unsandboxed - is good for testing. Try to use include pyodide in the docker image by paulfitz · Pull Request #1019 · gristlabs/grist-core · GitHub
  3. Don’t forget to change UID:GID mount folder on server like as
    -v $PWD/persist:/persist to container UID:GID by default run
    chown 1001:1001 /persist

Thanks, this reply was very helpful!