Feature-request: keyboard shortcut for "Column options"

My first post here, so I should start by saying “where have you been all my life?” :slight_smile: Really, that’s not much of an exaggeration. I’m actually close to retirement now so I’m only using this for personal stuff but it would have eliminated many many little custom apps developed over the years by my team…

That said, my request: can we please have a keyboard shortcut for Column Options?


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Awww, thank you for the heartwarming words!
Also, what a good first post and a great way to ask for a feature! :slight_smile:

Do you have a preference for what the shortcut should be? There are some useful lists of shortcuts to refer to, for avoiding conflicts, e.g. here. Perhaps <Cmd or Ctrl> + Shift + , (with a comma) for Table Options and <Cmd or Ctrl> + Shift + . (with a period) for Column Options?

You’re welcome :slight_smile: You deserve that praise, no question about it!

To the main question, no I don’t have a preference – as long as it is accessible by some keystroke combo I’m happy.

Thanks again!