When trying to investigate a weird situation, I want to find out which user changed a certain cell and when.
The Document history view is not searchable / long enough.
I can download the sqlite and explore it, but I don’t find what I’m looking for.
Any hints?
Same question I also had for who changed a column formula, but I ended up just blocking structural changes now.
But without having that, to investigate the history of changes, Document History > Activity – as awkward as it is for searching – is currently the only approach. It does get truncated based both on the count and size of actions, so not very predictably. But one trick that may let you find what you are looking for is to open a snapshot (in Document History > Snapshots) – look for the nearest snapshot after the change you are interested in – and look at the Document History > Activity within that snapshot. There is a higher chance that the change you want would be present there.