Forms not working on Self Hosted Grist

So, I made this form

when clicking to VIEW it

if I click to UNPUBLISH it, and to PREVIEW it, it shows fine

The share link also doesn´t work

Looks like there is a redirect loop for some reason? Do you know what version of Grist you are at? There have been various fixes related to forms over the past few weeks. Could you share your environment variables if not sensitive?

found where to look for the version…

Version 1.1.13

where can I follow all the releases and release notes?

Releases and release notes are here:

There have been form fixes since 1.1.13. @georgegevoian or @Florent_F does the redirect problem that @Rogerio_Penna is seeing ring a bell for either of you?

I will update ASAP to 1.1.14.

Are the latest updates described in the May Newsletter, like the option to drag Conditions, already on the Omnibus version?

edit: apparently not, as those are not described in the changes and fixes of either 1.1.13 or 1.1.14.

So I guess I should wait a little more.

No, I haven’t seen this before.

@Rogerio_Penna could you check the logs and share the output here?


Numbered grist-core releases are made at the start of each month, so after the newsletter goes out.
Grist Omnibus updates from grist-core on Thursdays.

so it would be better to upgrade next thursday.

thats a BIG wall of text. Would it be better if I used docker compose down and the upped it again? Would it be shorter?

edit: saved as a txt file and sent on PM to George.

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Ok… I used Docker Compose Down, downloaded last Omnibus Image, Docker Compose Up…

and now, not only the forms STILL DO NOT WORK after being published (same error) as the Administrator Panel stopped working to check Grist version lol

Ah, window.crypto.randomUUID is newly used, and looks like it isn’t always available. Sorry about that! Will add a fallback.

Thanks for reporting that you are using Grist Omnibus, I was able to replicate your problem with it. Will look into it.

@georgegevoian for logs: the problem is straightforward to replicate using the localhost:9999 example in the Grist Omnibus README. Not seeing much context beyond the redirect loop:

2024-05-31 19:39:59.212 - debug: Authorizer: redirecting to log in
2024-05-31 19:39:59.226 - debug: Authorizer: redirecting to log in
2024-05-31 19:39:59.233 - debug: Authorizer: redirecting to log in
2024-05-31 19:39:59.242 - debug: Authorizer: redirecting to log in
2024-05-31 19:39:59.252 - debug: Authorizer: redirecting to log in
2024-05-31 19:39:59.269 - debug: Authorizer: redirecting to log in
2024-05-31 19:39:59.282 - debug: Authorizer: redirecting to log in
2024-05-31 19:39:59.293 - debug: Authorizer: redirecting to log in
2024-05-31 19:39:59.304 - debug: Authorizer: redirecting to log in
2024-05-31 19:39:59.316 - debug: Authorizer: redirecting to log in
2024-05-31 19:39:59.413 - debug: Authorizer: redirecting to log in

Thanks for reporting that you are using Grist Omnibus, I was able to replicate your problem with it. Will look into it

haha, next time I report the version I am using, I will try to remember saying it is Omnibus. That little “detail” may escape us less tech users.

Hi all, this is related to Grist Forms - Redirecting loop error · Issue #966 · gristlabs/grist-core · GitHub

I can also confirm it is still the case in Version 1.1.14.

Hi everyone,

A fix has landed in grist-omnibus and the latest version of grist-core. It’ll also be included in the next versioned release of grist-core (1.1.15).

Let us know if you run into any issues.


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will try to update and test it ASAP