Hosting Grist on AWS Trial

Hello, I was trying to create a hosted instance of grist using omnibus but I have been having some issues. I started the instance:

I connected to the instance and configured the information in the gristParameters and had a google client_ID and Secret generated:

I also bought a domain on cloudfare and pointed the IP address from the ec2 instance to my domain both with and without proxy:

I keep getting this page where the site can’t be loaded for some reason.

Can anyone tell me where I can fix the issue? I was thinking maybe it can be ssl certificate but I am not truly sure if that is the case.

Now I am getting this:

Hi @Tazwar_Belal1, if you connect to the instance and inspect Grist logs, do you see any errors? You should be able to do so with a command like:

docker logs grist

This is what I got when running the command:

@Tazwar_Belal1 the error message is saying that no methods for authentication have been found. Could you try removing the spaces after the = sign in gristParameters, in the GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET lines? And then try running restartGrist in the way described here:

Just to rule out that possibility. If any errors are issued when calling restartGrist, that could be helpful in getting to the root cause.

Yep I actually removed the spacing and it seems like I am having issues with SSL because when I try using my domain it keeps giving me the error that the access is blocked:

I do want to mention using my domain gives me this page:

The access blocked is because I did not put my domain inside the gristParameters file and I was told to use the public http link however I can use that particular link within my google redirect URL hence the access blocked.

I am guessing this can be fixed if I can get an ssl certificate from Let’s Encrypt because this is what the log is showing thus far:

Can you say more here about the domain setup? Are you saying you cannot use a… redirect within google auth? Or is there another domain involved?

So I am able to use in the redirect:

The issue is I can’t get the page to load up even with my domain pointing to the ip address of the ec2 on aws. I got rid of the spaces as well so I am not too sure what the issue from then on.

From the gristParameters file I tried leaving the URL part empty and it gave me a public url to use but with that one I keep getting the “Access Blocked” message and that is because I can’t put that url inside the redirect url so I am just trying to go back to using my instead.

I was able to make it work now! The main problem was just making 5 reconnects with an invalid domain and I had to wait an hour to re-run the hosted website.

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