How to auto-add choices on a Choice List Column?

Let’s say I have a Choices Column with default options A,B,C.
What I want is to let the user to add manually new choices like D,E,Z etc.

Basically, what I am asking is how to auto-add user values to Choices list that already exist.

How to achieve that?


There is a “+” item at the end of the choices when a user enters a new choice for this purpose, would that work? Another possibility is that if you convert the column to type Text, and then back to Choice or ChoiceList, the list of choices will be rebuilt (but you’d lose any color selection).

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Thank you for this info.
I use a Reference List. There is no “+” icon, so how to do that?

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Can you try typing something in? A “+” should appear as soon as you type something that doesn’t match an existing possibility.


Thank you so much! It works!