How to get sandbox working in grist core?

Hi there!
So I think it’s finally time to get sandbox working as I intend on using Grist full time for all excel needs, in addition to potentially sharing a few sheets with whomever to share data with them. With that in mind, someone who is not me having access to sheets, with un-sandboxed python might not be the brightest idea.
My server is hosted a Proxmox VM running debian 11:

Another VM is running Caddy where everything is reverse proxied to this machine. The specific section of the Caddyfile for Grist looks like this: {
        encode gzip zstd

This is my docker-compose.yml:

version: '3'

    image: gristlabs/grist
    restart: unless-stopped
      - APP_HOME_URL=
      - GRIST_FORCE_LOGIN=true
      - GRIST_SAML_SP_HOST= # Auth0 used for authentication
      - GRIST_SAML_IDP_CERTS=/persist/xxxx.pem
      - GRIST_SAML_SP_KEY=/persist/xxxx_pkey.pem
      - GRIST_SAML_SP_CERT=/persist/xxxx_certificate.crt
      - 8484:8484
      - ./persist:/persist
    stdin_open: true
    tty: true

If I run it without sandbox it works just fine. I have tried adding variables “GRIST_WIDGET_LIST_URL” and “GRIST_SESSION_SECRET” but honestly didn’t see or notice anything change on the instance, either in logs or on the website.
I’d love to have more widgets so I will want to figure out the variable “GRIST_WIDGET_LIST_URL” as well at some point. I am hoping the sandbox issue is the same reason the list URL variable isn’t working.

Here is the complete docker-compose logs with the above docker-compose.yml (And the variable DEBUG=1 added). Only thing hidden is domain.

Click me to show log
grist_1  | Welcome to Grist.
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.371 - info: == Grist version is 1.1.0 (commit unknown)
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.378 - debug: skipping incomplete language fa (set GRIST_OFFER_ALL_LANGUAGES if you want it)
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.390 - info: Loading empty config because /persist/config.json missing
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.391 - info: SamlConfig set with host, IdP
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.397 - warn: did not find an appropriately named example workspace in deployment
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.399 - info: No plugins directory: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir '/grist/.grist/plugins'
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.402 - info: Found 1 valid plugins on the system
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.403 - debug: PLUGIN builtIn/core -- /grist/plugins/core
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.407 - info: Server timeouts: keepAliveTimeout 305000 headersTimeout 306000
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.408 - info: server(home,docs,static) available at
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.416 - warn: Failed to create GoogleAuth endpoint: GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET is not defined
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.419 - info: == appRoot: /grist
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.419 - info: == i18:namespace: client,server
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.419 - info: == docsRoot: /persist/docs
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.419 - info: == defaultBaseDomain:
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.419 - info: == pluginUrl: undefined
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.419 - info: == instanceRoot: /persist
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.419 - info: == tag: unknown
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.419 - info: == database: sqlite:///persist/home.sqlite3
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.420 - info: == userRoot: /grist/.grist
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.420 - info: == loginMiddlewareComment: saml
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.420 - info: == docWorkerId: testDocWorkerId_8484
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.420 - info: == grist.access.supportEmail: [default] [GRIST_SUPPORT_EMAIL]
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.420 - info: == grist.access.listPublicSites: false [default] [GRIST_LIST_PUBLIC_SITES]
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.420 - info: == grist.locale.offerAllLanguages: - [GRIST_OFFER_ALL_LANGUAGES]
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.420 - info: == grist.login.skipSession: - [GRIST_IGNORE_SESSION]
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.420 - info: == grist.login.forced: true [GRIST_FORCE_LOGIN]
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.420 - info: == grist.externalStorage.minio.bucket: - [GRIST_DOCS_MINIO_BUCKET]
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.420 - info: == grist.externalStorage.disable: - [GRIST_DISABLE_S3]
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.420 - info: == false
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:47.425 - info: activity docCount=12, orgCount=0, orgInGoodStandingCount=0, userCount=8, userWithLoginCount=8
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.277 - debug: Auth[GET]: /worker/fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41 customHostSession=, method=GET,, path=/worker/fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41, org=docs,, userId=5, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.285 GET /o/docs/api/worker/fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41 200 9.541 ms - 55
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.352 - info: Comm: Got Websocket connection clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=null, urlPath=/?clientId=bf7866417ca7b708&counter=8&newClient=0&lastSeqId=3&browserSettings=%7B%22timezone%22%3A%22Europe%2FBucharest%22%7D&, reuseClient=false
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.352 - debug: Client sending clientConnect newClient=false, needReload=true, docsClosed=0, missedMessages=undefined,, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=8
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.374 - info: Client websocket closed; will discard client in 300 sec, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=8
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.411 - debug: Auth[GET]: /docs/fPCau3cdz9Zm customHostSession=, method=GET,, path=/docs/fPCau3cdz9Zm, org=docs,, userId=5, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.424 GET /o/docs/api/docs/fPCau3cdz9Zm 304 13.715 ms - -
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.453 - debug: Auth[GET]: /worker/fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41 customHostSession=, method=GET,, path=/worker/fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41, org=docs,, userId=5, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.455 GET /o/docs/api/worker/fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41 304 4.535 ms - -
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.520 - info: Comm: Got Websocket connection, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=8, urlPath=/?clientId=2ee3e529770f738d&counter=9&newClient=1&browserSettings=%7B%22timezone%22%3A%22Europe%2FBucharest%22%7D&, reuseClient=true
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.520 - debug: Client sending clientConnect newClient=true, needReload=false, docsClosed=0, missedMessages=undefined,, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=9
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.542 - info: Client onMessage '{"reqId":3,"method":"openDoc","args":["fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41","default",null]}', org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=9
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.544 - debug: DocManager.openDoc Authorizer key { urlId: 'fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41', userId: 5, org: 'docs' }
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.549 - debug: DocManager.fetchDoc fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.557 - debug: ActiveDoc loadDoc access=owners, userId=5,, age=63, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=9, docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.565 - debug: DB fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41 open successfully
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.568 - debug: ActiveDoc Loading 23 normal tables, skipping 0 on-demand tables access=owners, userId=5,, age=63, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=9, docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.568 - debug: ActiveDoc Normal tables: StockTrades, Temp, _grist_ACLMemberships, _grist_ACLPrincipals, _grist_ACLResources, _grist_ACLRules, _grist_Attachments, _grist_Cells, _grist_DocInfo, _grist_External_database, _grist_External_table, _grist_Filters, _grist_Imports, _grist_Pages, _grist_REPL_Hist, _grist_TabBar, _grist_TabItems, _grist_TableViews, _grist_Triggers, _grist_Validations, _grist_Views, _grist_Views_section, _grist_Views_section_field access=owners, userId=5,, age=63, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=9, docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.568 - debug: ActiveDoc On-demand tables:  access=owners, userId=5,, age=63, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=9, docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.569 - debug: ActiveDoc starting to load 21 tables: _grist_ACLMemberships, _grist_ACLPrincipals, _grist_ACLResources, _grist_ACLRules, _grist_Attachments, _grist_Cells, _grist_DocInfo, _grist_External_database, _grist_External_table, _grist_Filters, _grist_Imports, _grist_Pages, _grist_REPL_Hist, _grist_TabBar, _grist_TabItems, _grist_TableViews, _grist_Triggers, _grist_Validations, _grist_Views, _grist_Views_section, _grist_Views_section_field access=owners, userId=5,, age=63, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=9, docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.591 - debug: 3-pipe Sandbox started sandboxPid=119, flavor=gvisor, command=undefined, entryPoint=(default), docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.602 - debug: DocClients now 1 clients; new client is 2ee3e529770f738d (fd 0) access=owners, userId=5,, age=63, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=9, docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.602 - info: ActiveDoc will stay open access=owners, userId=5,, age=63, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=9, docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.602 - info: ActiveDoc fetchMetaTables access=owners, userId=5,, age=63, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=9, docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.606 - debug: Time taken in getRecentMinimalActionGroups: 0 ms
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.615 - info: Sandbox stderr: sandbox/gvisor/ -E PYTHONPATH=/grist/sandbox/grist -E PIPE_MODE=minimal -m /grist/sandbox --restore /tmp/engine__grist python3 -- /grist/sandbox/grist/ fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41 sandboxPid=119, flavor=gvisor, command=undefined, entryPoint=(default), docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.687 - info: Client onMessage '{"reqId":4,"method":"fetchTable","args":[0,"StockTrades"]}', userId=5, age=63, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=9
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.688 - debug: activeDocMethod access=owners, userId=5,, age=63, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=9, docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41, docMethod=fetchTable
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.688 - info: ActiveDoc fetchQuery {"tableId":"StockTrades","filters":{}} (regular) access=owners, userId=5,, age=63, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=9, docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.690 - info: ActiveDoc fetchQuery -> 4 rows, cols: manualSort, Stock, SharesBought, BuyPrice, SellPrice, BuyDate, SellDate, ProfitAmount, ProfitPercent, HoldTimeDays, ProfitAmount_M_ access=owners, userId=5,, age=63, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=9, docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.705 - info: Client onMessage '{"reqId":5,"method":"getUsersForViewAs","args":[0]}', userId=5, age=63, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=9
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.706 - debug: activeDocMethod access=owners, userId=5,, age=63, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=9, docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41, docMethod=getUsersForViewAs
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.720 - info: Sandbox stderr: running container: starting container: restoring container "_tmp_tmphwkhqmr2": incompatible FeatureSet: missing features: map[xsave:{}] sandboxPid=119, flavor=gvisor, command=undefined, entryPoint=(default), docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.720 - info: Sandbox stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): sandboxPid=119, flavor=gvisor, command=undefined, entryPoint=(default), docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.720 - info: Sandbox stderr:   File "/grist/sandbox/gvisor/", line 261, in <module> sandboxPid=119, flavor=gvisor, command=undefined, entryPoint=(default), docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.720 - info: Sandbox stderr:     raise Exception('gvisor runsc problem: ' + json.dumps(command)) sandboxPid=119, flavor=gvisor, command=undefined, entryPoint=(default), docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.720 - info: Sandbox stderr: Exception: gvisor runsc problem: ["runsc", "-root", "/tmp/runsc", "-unprivileged", "-ignore-cgroups", "-network", "none", "restore", "--image-path=/tmp/engine__grist", "_tmp_tmphwkhqmr2"] sandboxPid=119, flavor=gvisor, command=undefined, entryPoint=(default), docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.724 - debug: Sandbox pyCall[load_meta_tables] took 132 ms sandboxPid=119, flavor=gvisor, command=undefined, entryPoint=(default), docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.725 - warn: ActiveDoc _finishInitialization stopped with SandboxError: [Sandbox] [Sandbox] PipeFromSandbox is closed: running container: starting container: restoring container "_tmp_tmphwkhqmr2": incompatible FeatureSet: missing features: map[xsave:{}]
grist_1  | Traceback (most recent call last):
grist_1  |   File "/grist/sandbox/gvisor/", line 261, in <module>
grist_1  |     raise Exception('gvisor runsc problem: ' + json.dumps(command))
grist_1  | Exception: gvisor runsc problem: ["runsc", "-root", "/tmp/runsc", "-unprivileged", "-ignore-cgroups", "-network", "none", "restore", "--image-path=/tmp/engine__grist", "_tmp_tmphwkhqmr2"]
grist_1  | 
grist_1  |     at NSandbox._pyCallWait (/grist/_build/app/server/lib/NSandbox.js:191:19)
grist_1  |     at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
grist_1  |     at async NSandbox.pyCall (/grist/_build/app/server/lib/NSandbox.js:171:20)
grist_1  |     at async TableMetadataLoader.opCorePush (/grist/_build/app/server/lib/TableMetadataLoader.js:121:9)
grist_1  |     at async TableMetadataLoader._counted (/grist/_build/app/server/lib/TableMetadataLoader.js:186:20)
grist_1  |     at async TableMetadataLoader.wait (/grist/_build/app/server/lib/TableMetadataLoader.js:100:13)
grist_1  |     at async ActiveDoc._finishInitialization (/grist/_build/app/server/lib/ActiveDoc.js:1972:13)
grist_1  |     at async InactivityTimer.disableUntilFinish (/grist/_build/app/common/InactivityTimer.js:76:20) access=owners, userId=5,, age=63, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=9, docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:48.726 - warn: Sandbox unexpectedly exited with code 1 signal null sandboxPid=119, flavor=gvisor, command=undefined, entryPoint=(default), docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:43:49.606 - debug: Subprocess control failure: Error: not found flavor=gvisor, command=undefined, entryPoint=(default), docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:44:14.993 - info: Client onMessage '{"reqId":6,"method":"fetchTable","args":[0,"Temp"]}', userId=5, age=63, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=9
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:44:15.004 - debug: activeDocMethod access=owners, userId=5,, age=63, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=9, docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41, docMethod=fetchTable
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:44:15.005 - info: ActiveDoc fetchQuery {"tableId":"Temp","filters":{}} (regular) access=owners, userId=5,, age=63, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=9, docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:44:15.005 - warn: Client Responding to method fetchTable with error: Error: [Sandbox] PipeToSandbox is closed: running container: starting container: restoring container "_tmp_tmphwkhqmr2": incompatible FeatureSet: missing features: map[xsave:{}]
grist_1  | Traceback (most recent call last):
grist_1  |   File "/grist/sandbox/gvisor/", line 261, in <module>
grist_1  |     raise Exception('gvisor runsc problem: ' + json.dumps(command))
grist_1  | Exception: gvisor runsc problem: ["runsc", "-root", "/tmp/runsc", "-unprivileged", "-ignore-cgroups", "-network", "none", "restore", "--image-path=/tmp/engine__grist", "_tmp_tmphwkhqmr2"]
grist_1  | 
grist_1  |     at NSandbox._sandboxClosedError (/grist/_build/app/server/lib/NSandbox.js:269:16)
grist_1  |     at NSandbox._sendData (/grist/_build/app/server/lib/NSandbox.js:226:24)
grist_1  |     at NSandbox.pyCall (/grist/_build/app/server/lib/NSandbox.js:164:14)
grist_1  |     at ActiveDoc._rawPyCall (/grist/_build/app/server/lib/ActiveDoc.js:2196:27), userId=5, age=63, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=9
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:44:15.006 - warn: Client responding to #6 ERROR [Sandbox] PipeToSandbox is closed: running container: starting container: restoring container "_tmp_tmphwkhqmr2": incompatible FeatureSet: missing features: map[xsave:{}]
grist_1  | Traceback (most recent call last):
grist_1  |   File "/grist/sandbox/gvisor/", line 261, in <module>
grist_1  |     raise Exception('gvisor runsc problem: ' + json.dumps(command))
grist_1  | Exception: gvisor runsc problem: ["runsc", "-root", "/tmp/runsc", "-unprivileged", "-ignore-cgroups", "-network", "none", "restore", "--image-path=/tmp/engine__grist", "_tmp_tmphwkhqmr2"]
grist_1  |, userId=5, age=63, org=docs, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo, clientId=2ee3e529770f738d, counter=9
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:44:15.027 GET /custom-widget.html?access=none&readonly=false 304 1.674 ms - -
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:44:15.029 GET /custom-widget.html?access=full&readonly=false 304 0.465 ms - -
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:44:15.045 - debug: Auth[POST]: /log customHostSession=, method=POST,, path=/log, org=docs,, userId=5, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:44:15.052 - warn: client error stack=Error: [Sandbox] PipeToSandbox is closed: running container: starting container: restoring container "_tmp_tmphwkhqmr2": incompatible FeatureSet: missing features: map[xsave:{}]
grist_1  | Traceback (most recent call last):
grist_1  |   File "/grist/sandbox/gvisor/", line 261, in <module>
grist_1  |     raise Exception('gvisor runsc problem: ' + json.dumps(command))
grist_1  | Exception: gvisor runsc problem: ["runsc", "-root", "/tmp/runsc", "-unprivileged", "-ignore-cgroups", "-network", "none", "restore", "--image-path=/tmp/engine__grist", "_tmp_tmphwkhqmr2"]
grist_1  | 
grist_1  |     at y._onServerMessage (
grist_1  |     at v (
grist_1  |     at m (
grist_1  |     at d (
grist_1  |     at c.trigger (
grist_1  |     at g._processReceivedMessage (
grist_1  |     at g.onmessage (, message=[Sandbox] PipeToSandbox is closed: running container: starting container: restoring container "_tmp_tmphwkhqmr2": incompatible FeatureSet: missing features: map[xsave:{}]
grist_1  | Traceback (most recent call last):
grist_1  |   File "/grist/sandbox/gvisor/", line 261, in <module>
grist_1  |     raise Exception('gvisor runsc problem: ' + json.dumps(command))
grist_1  | Exception: gvisor runsc problem: ["runsc", "-root", "/tmp/runsc", "-unprivileged", "-ignore-cgroups", "-network", "none", "restore", "--image-path=/tmp/engine__grist", "_tmp_tmphwkhqmr2"]
grist_1  | , docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41, page=, language=en-US, platform=Linux x86_64, userAgent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36, org=docs,, userId=5, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:44:15.056 POST /o/docs/api/log 200 13.752 ms - -
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:44:15.059 - debug: Auth[POST]: /log customHostSession=, method=POST,, path=/log, org=docs,, userId=5, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:44:15.060 - warn: client error stack=Error: [Sandbox] PipeToSandbox is closed: running container: starting container: restoring container "_tmp_tmphwkhqmr2": incompatible FeatureSet: missing features: map[xsave:{}]
grist_1  | Traceback (most recent call last):
grist_1  |   File "/grist/sandbox/gvisor/", line 261, in <module>
grist_1  |     raise Exception('gvisor runsc problem: ' + json.dumps(command))
grist_1  | Exception: gvisor runsc problem: ["runsc", "-root", "/tmp/runsc", "-unprivileged", "-ignore-cgroups", "-network", "none", "restore", "--image-path=/tmp/engine__grist", "_tmp_tmphwkhqmr2"]
grist_1  | 
grist_1  |     at y._onServerMessage (
grist_1  |     at v (
grist_1  |     at m (
grist_1  |     at d (
grist_1  |     at c.trigger (
grist_1  |     at g._processReceivedMessage (
grist_1  |     at g.onmessage (, message=[Sandbox] PipeToSandbox is closed: running container: starting container: restoring container "_tmp_tmphwkhqmr2": incompatible FeatureSet: missing features: map[xsave:{}]
grist_1  | Traceback (most recent call last):
grist_1  |   File "/grist/sandbox/gvisor/", line 261, in <module>
grist_1  |     raise Exception('gvisor runsc problem: ' + json.dumps(command))
grist_1  | Exception: gvisor runsc problem: ["runsc", "-root", "/tmp/runsc", "-unprivileged", "-ignore-cgroups", "-network", "none", "restore", "--image-path=/tmp/engine__grist", "_tmp_tmphwkhqmr2"]
grist_1  | , docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41, page=, language=en-US, platform=Linux x86_64, userAgent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36, org=docs,, userId=5, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:44:15.062 - debug: Auth[POST]: /log customHostSession=, method=POST,, path=/log, org=docs,, userId=5, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:44:15.063 - warn: client error stack=Error: [Sandbox] PipeToSandbox is closed: running container: starting container: restoring container "_tmp_tmphwkhqmr2": incompatible FeatureSet: missing features: map[xsave:{}]
grist_1  | Traceback (most recent call last):
grist_1  |   File "/grist/sandbox/gvisor/", line 261, in <module>
grist_1  |     raise Exception('gvisor runsc problem: ' + json.dumps(command))
grist_1  | Exception: gvisor runsc problem: ["runsc", "-root", "/tmp/runsc", "-unprivileged", "-ignore-cgroups", "-network", "none", "restore", "--image-path=/tmp/engine__grist", "_tmp_tmphwkhqmr2"]
grist_1  | 
grist_1  |     at y._onServerMessage (
grist_1  |     at v (
grist_1  |     at m (
grist_1  |     at d (
grist_1  |     at c.trigger (
grist_1  |     at g._processReceivedMessage (
grist_1  |     at g.onmessage (, message=[Sandbox] PipeToSandbox is closed: running container: starting container: restoring container "_tmp_tmphwkhqmr2": incompatible FeatureSet: missing features: map[xsave:{}]
grist_1  | Traceback (most recent call last):
grist_1  |   File "/grist/sandbox/gvisor/", line 261, in <module>
grist_1  |     raise Exception('gvisor runsc problem: ' + json.dumps(command))
grist_1  | Exception: gvisor runsc problem: ["runsc", "-root", "/tmp/runsc", "-unprivileged", "-ignore-cgroups", "-network", "none", "restore", "--image-path=/tmp/engine__grist", "_tmp_tmphwkhqmr2"]
grist_1  | , docId=fPCau3cdz9ZmE9SWUA7w41, page=, language=en-US, platform=Linux x86_64, userAgent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36, org=docs,, userId=5, altSessionId=nJRLNHuq8fsPV5Cp6S9kXo
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:44:15.064 POST /o/docs/api/log 200 8.847 ms - -
grist_1  | 2023-07-28 23:44:15.065 POST /o/docs/api/log 200 8.069 ms - -

Not sure what other information I should include, if there is any, I’d love to know what I did wrong in my setup for why sandbox doesn’t work.

Thank you in advance!

The gvisor-based sandboxing option isn’t available in all environments:

Could you check if XSAVE is listed as available in your CPU flags?

For GRIST_WIDGET_LIST_URL, when it is set to the suggested URL, you should see the same set of custom widgets available as on our hosted service, or listed here:

Without it set, you won’t see that list, although you could still use the widgets if you find a URL for them in the manifest.json file.

One nice aspect of this is that you can fork our grist-widget repository, add your own custom widgets to it, and then set GRIST_WIDGET_LIST_URL to that repository instead of ours.

For GRIST_SESSION_SECRET, you won’t see a change (other than needing to log in again), but your site will be more secure.

Thank you! That helped find the problem. The CPU type for the VM was set to the default value of kvm64 in Proxmox. The XSAVE flag was missing. I changed the CPU type to Host, rebooted and now all the flags are showing and sandboxing works!
EDIT: For those reading this later on. You can check your CPU flags by typing cat /proc/cpuinfo

And that makes sense regarding the GRIST_SESSION_SECRET. Thank you, I have now set it.

As for widget URL. Turns out I made a mistake with my docker-compose file.

My variable was written as:

The variable has to be without quotes:

Now it is all working! Thank you for the help.

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