Is it possible to get examples and templates into electron version?

I’ve just discovered Grist and I am extremely impressed so far and looking forward to checking out all the features.

I’m running Grist on my own Mac, using grist-electron.

Is it possible for me to use any of the examples and templates on my grist-electron setup?

Also, once I start building things myself, is there a way for me to share things - templates or documents - from my local electron setup with others on other Grist setups, including the common hosted Grist accounts?

Thank you!


Hi @Kristi, sure, you can just download any examples or templates you find online, using the download options under the share icon:

Once you’ve downloaded something, you should be able to open it in grist-electron.

You can upload anything you make in grist-electron back to a hosted Grist account.

If one Grist installation is very much in advance of another, there could be problems with features unrecognized on the other side. Let us know if you hit any trouble.

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Hi @paul-grist , thank you so much for the very quick and helpful reply!

I THOUGHT there must be a way to download, and after reading your reply, I still spent another ten minutes trying to find the share button - I even tried viewing the source code to see if that would tip me off to where it might be.

It turned out I was perceiving the “Save Copy” button as the control, and I didn’t realize clicking the little three-connected-circles share icon would bring up the Download options I was looking for.

You seem to have an excellent handle on UI and design, so probably this is just me, and won’t be confusing for others, but just as one data point - I looked and looked and didn’t find it until I really gave that Exports & backups - Grist Help Center page a much closer read.

Anyway - thank you so much for your help! I have successfully downloaded and opened the Book Club example, and I’m about to start exploring the rest of the tutorial.

I have to say - I usually feel too busy and impatient to work through tutorials (even though I know I should), but the first bit of the CRM tutorial is so intriguing that I’m looking forward to getting through the rest of it.

Thank you!


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Hi @Kristi, sorry for those 10 mins, I probably should have included a screenshot. You’re not the first person this has confused, I’ll follow up.