Is it possible to prevent users from having a personal site?

I am self hosting Grist and using Zitadel for SSO. So far so good.

I’ve created a team site that has a dashboard that I want to share with certain people. I’ve added users and defined access rules that all work perfectly. However, I don’t want these guest users to have a personal site. I want them to only have access to the team site and nothing else. I’d like to think that I can manage that somehow, but I’ve not found any way to do this. No admin user, no user profiles or anything like that. Any help would be much appreciated.


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Do you want to have personal sites for some users? If you don’t need personal sites at all, and there is a single team site, you could use the GRIST_SINGLE_ORG setting mentioned here:

If you need personal sites for some but not all, I don’t know of a way to do that currently.

I would Ideally want to retain the ability to allow some users to have personal sites.
For example, users within my company. Everyone else that I might allow access should not have that ability.