Markdown loopkuprecords

I’m creating a markdown view and I’d like display a lookuprecords formula.
For the moment I’ve this formula Ateliers = Atelier.lookupRecords(Projet=$id).Nom_atelier and return this
Capture d’écran du 2024-09-28 16-41-55

How can I display it like this :

  • Aôn - chaumié #1
  • Aôn - chaumié #2
  • Concert Aôn

Thanks for the help !

Hey Pierre. The reason that it’s formatted like that, is because lookupRecords(...).Nom_atelier is returning a list of names. You’ll want to transform that list into a bullet point list in markdown:

* Item A
* Item B
* Item C

You can use a snippet of Python code like this to do it:

entries = Table1.lookupRecords().A

bullet_points = [f"* {entry}" for entry in entries]



  • Does a lookup to produce the list
  • Creates a new list, where each item in the list is a line of text prefixed with *
  • Joins those list entries together with newline character, to create one big block of text containing your final markdown.

Hope that helps! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you.
I try it but I’ve an error a Syntax error…
I try this :

 Ateliers = Atelier.lookupRecords(Projet=$id).Nom_atelier
  bullet_points = [f"* {Atelier}" for Atelier in Ateliers]

And in my template I call {Ateliers}

Copying and pasting that, it seems to work fine at my end. The only thing I had to do is delete the indentation (the spaces and tabs) at the start of the lines. Could you remove those in your formula?

I’ve delete spaces and tabs but I still have a SyntaxError…
All my code :

# Finds all data associated with this record
class Find_Data(dict):
  def __missing__(self, key):
    return getattr(rec, key)

# Finds the "Proposal" template in the Templates table
template = Fiche_projet.lookupOne(Nom="Projet").Modele

# Formats the template with fields from this table as well as fields from the referenced table
  Partenaire = $Partenaire.Structure,
  Partenaire_adresse = $Partenaire.Adresse,
  Partenaire_tel = $Partenaire.Telephone,
  Partenaire_rep = $Partenaire.Directeur.Name,
  Fonction = $Partenaire.Directeur.Fonction,
  date = TODAY().strftime("%d/%m/%Y"),
 Ateliers = Atelier.lookupRecords(Projet=$id).Nom_atelier
 bullet_points = [f"* {Atelier}" for Atelier in Ateliers]

Looks like you’ve put three lines of code into your parameter list for Find_data:

Ateliers = Atelier.lookupRecords(Projet=$id).Nom_atelier
 bullet_points = [f"* {Atelier}" for Atelier in Ateliers]

You probably want something more like this:

# Finds all data associated with this record
class Find_Data(dict):
  def __missing__(self, key):
    return getattr(rec, key)

# Finds the "Proposal" template in the Templates table
template = Fiche_projet.lookupOne(Nom="Projet").Modele

nom_ateliers = Atelier.lookupRecords(Projet=$id).Nom_atelier
nom_ateliers_bullet_points = [f"* {atelier}" for atelier in nom_ateliers]
nom_ateliers_bullet_points_markdown = "\n".join(nom_ateliers_bullet_points)

# Formats the template with fields from this table as well as fields from the referenced table
  Partenaire = $Partenaire.Structure,
  Partenaire_adresse = $Partenaire.Adresse,
  Partenaire_tel = $Partenaire.Telephone,
  Partenaire_rep = $Partenaire.Directeur.Name,
  Fonction = $Partenaire.Directeur.Fonction,
  date = TODAY().strftime("%d/%m/%Y"),
  Ateliers = nom_ateliers_bullet_points_markdown

There might still be issues there as I can’t run the code, but it’s a bit closer to working!

Yes It works !
Thank you for the help.
I’m very enjoy about grist for custom tool for management project.

No problem at all! Good luck and have fun :slightly_smiling_face: