New user api questions

Hello, new user (and new-ish programmer) here. Had a couple questions about the api:

  1. is there a way to delete all rows of a table without first GETting the number of rows? since DELETE requires a list of row ids.
  2. when updating a record, is there a way to clear all columns in the record except those explicitly specified? Or are you meant to transmit some kind of special value for that?
  3. the meaning/function of some fields in the rest api isn’t well really clear, in particular the descriptions of tables and columns. what are the rawViewSectionRef and recordCardViewSectionRef properties of a table for? Likewise for columns, unclear what parentPos, displayCol and visibleCol do.

Additional nitpick: PUT actions on columns have weird behavior where on repeated calls with the same params it will start creating new columns with incremented ids.