Notification when date due

I have had a look in FAQ and Documentation but couldn’t see a particular feature that I think is possible:
How can I be sent an email when a Due date arrives eg from the Lightweight CRM “Due” column?

You can´t, natively.

You can do it using a program like Zapier (if you are hosting on the cloud) or n8n, which is a free open source version of Zapier, if you are self hosting Grist and it’s not open to connect to Zapier, etc.

You can create active triggers which when changed, activate Zapier or n8n flows and read data from Grist and send emails based on that data.

Or if not urgent, you can create flows in those systems that read tables from Grist each X hours and actively search on the tables for changes or stuff that they need to send emails.

Many thanks. I shall do some research on Zapier and n8n.