Selecting multiple columns

I’m using Grist in Chrome 103.0.5060.114 on Mac OS 11.5.1. Not sure if this is intentional or a bug, but in order to perform an action on multiple columns (such as moving together via drag and drop, delete columns, or clear columns), I can currently select them in the following two ways:

a. Click one column heading, then Shift + Left-Arrow/Right-Arrow.
b. Click and drag from one column heading to the left or right.

I expected to be able to click on one column heading, then shift-click one or more columns to the left or right.

It would also be nice to be able to Cmd-click (or Ctrl-click on Windows) to select multiple non-contiguous columns to either delete/clear them, or to move them (grouped together).

Once multiple columns are selected, a couple things I noticed:

  1. It doesn’t seem possible to hide multiple columns at a time.
  2. When moving columns, if I drag a column to the right or left of the border, the view does not auto-scroll. This would be convenient.


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Hi @Tristan_Gordon.

Those are all great suggestions.

Hiding multiple columns is on our immediate radar, and should be possible in the near future.
