In my series of experiments showing Grist pages inside Grist HTML widget by showing it as iFrames, I came up with an excellent use case: DASHBOARDS
Explanation… Grist does not allow your pages to be scrollable. You can have widgets that are scrollable, if their content is larger than their page space.
So you can NOT have daskboard pages with dozens of graphics, tables, etc.
Even with like 6 charts, they already get so small that they are somewhat unusable.
HOWEVER, widgets in a page occupy a proportion of a screen.
So if you have widgets each one occupying 10% of a 1000 pixels tall screen, you can´t see NOTHING.
But if the screen is 3000 pixels tall, the widgets will be resized…
So what is a solution? To fill a page with widgets, then show the page as an iframe inside a Grist HTML widget!!!
More than that, as the iframe URL can be created by record, and you can make the HTML read those records, you can have a table with a list of Dashboards, each one with the page URL of a dashboard full of widgets.
Then as you just change records in the page, you select a new dashboard, all of them SCROLLABLE, because they are pages being shown INSIDE widgets (which are scrollable, unlike pages)