Unable to get Grist Omnibus to run


Im quite new to docker, im sorry if my question is too basic. But believe me, ive tried to search for solutions for days whenever I am available.

Im running this in my vBox Debian 12 terminal :

docker run \
  -p 80:80 -p 443:443 \
  -e URL=ht tps://mywebsite \
  -e HTTPS=auto \
  -e TEAM=myname \
  -e EMAIL=myemail@gmail.com \
  -e PASSWORD= \
  -v /tmp/grist-test:/persist \
  --name grist --rm \
  -it gristlabs/grist-omnibus

trying to tunnel my grist omnibus through cloudfare but my domain said Bad Gateway error 502.

"info [grist-omnibus] Checking dex... at http s://mywebsite/dex/.well-known/openid-configuration
debug [grist-omnibus]   got: 502"

and when I tried to run it through localhost:80, it warns me about SSL and after clicking the advance button. It says “404 page not found”

Tried to search from the internet but couldn’t find any solution

Are you using Cloudflare to handle your TLS certificates? If so, you should set HTTPS to manual. Using auto means you want the Omnibus-bundled Traefik to request a certificate from Let’s Encrypt.