Yarn vs Docker installation


I’m thinking about using Grist internally.
What is the best way to deploy Grist : docker or yarn ?
I’m thinking of developping some custom widget and I’m not so familiare with docker…

What are the cons and pros ?

I’m not going to comment on Yarn vs Docker, but note that developing custom widgets is a separate issue. Custom widgets can be hosted anywhere and don’t need to be connected to a Grist deployment. You can develop a custom widget now and use it from documents on getgrist.com.


What’s the update rate of Grist? The new features are released only at the turn of the month, together with the month newsletters?

Is it easy to update Grist with new versions, via Docker?

Docker is clearly superior.

Features can reach GitHub - gristlabs/grist-core: Grist is the evolution of spreadsheets. at any time. The latest Docker image is updated once a day (if all tests are passing, which they generally are). There is a newsletter written up at the end of the month with a round-up of progress. A new version number is minted at the start of the month, a new github release made, and a new numbered Docker image tag pushed.

So for example, currently there is a new “collapse/minimize widget” feature in latest that has not yet been written up in a newsletter and isn’t yet in a numbered release.

But these features are already in the online version?

Our hosted service at docs.getgrist.com currently updates every Sunday. A new feature may reach our hosted service slightly before grist-core (because we maintain an internal branch, generally synchronizing with grist-core on Mondays), or up to two weeks later than grist-core. The schedule can change if there is some unexpected problem, but that’s the general rhythm.

“new “collapse/minimize” widget”


I don´t know if that already existed before, but it’s quite cool. I just don´t know how to UNCOLLAPSE a widget so it will return to original position. I must drag and drop in a position again.