Migration to free team sites


I have this question here: Sharing limits frustration

Which is, basically: I already have a “jbrj.getgrist.com” site. Could it be migrated to a “Free Team”?

Thanks in advance.


Hi Eduardo,

You need to first cancel your subscription on the Billing page. After your current billing period will be over, you will be given a choice to downgrade to a Free team plan. On your billing page you will see those 3 options:


After clicking Downgrade plan you will see a popup informing you about limits on the Free team plan


Then you can decide if you want to proceed or not.

Hope that helps.


It doesn’t make sense at all! I have to stop paying to have more benefits? What I need is to have an option to share documents with up to 5 students. Without to pay US$8 for every and each one of them. Is it possible? Is this the “free plan”? Make no sense to me.

Sorry for the confusion!

The free team plan that Jarek suggested is intended for teams working on small projects. If the documents you share with students are each under 5,000 rows, then it is free for unlimited documents and users.

If a document has more than 5,000 rows, then you’ll need to upgrade to the Pro Plan. There is a 50% discount for non-profits available as well.

You might have a use case that doesn’t fit neatly into these two scenarios. Happy to work with you to figure something out. We want to support researchers and universities as much as possible. I’ll reach out over email.

Hi @anais-grist ! Thank you for rescuing me. You are a angel. I missed the webinar yesterday. I’m sorry.

My need is described here: Sharing limits frustration.

Copied here:

Hi folks!

I understand that it is not possible to share a document with more than two persons. There is any way, or foreseeing, of increasing this number?

I also understand that I could add “n” people as a “Team Member”, but it has a cost out of my budget.

Working with students on small projects is a little bit frustrating that we have to overcome this limit using one “community account” for a group of 3, 4 or 5 (maximum) students.

But GRIST still awesome!


I suppose that this is my “use case that doesn’t fit neatly into these two scenarios”. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

Thank you for consider this.


How many rows are there in the documents that students need to access? You can check in the raw data page of each document.

If they are all under 5,000 rows, then a free team site meets your needs.

You can either…

  • Create a new free team site for students to collaborate on small projects. I think this is better choice.
  • Downgrade to a free team site using the instructions Jarek provided. Note that if you have other documents in your current team site that are over 5,000 rows (and I think you do), they will be subject to the 5,000 row limit of a free team site. That won’t work!

If the documents are over 5,000 rows, let’s talk over email.

My dear @anais-grist, thank you for your help and explanation. I was in doubt about the creation of a free team because I already have a jbrj.getgrist.com.

Then, I created a jbrj-grist.getgrist.com as a free team site, to host students’ projects, which I’ll keep down 5K lines. I suppose that limit will be enough for 99% of the cases. It is a generous limit indeed.

In my dreams, I would increase my limits for every paid account that I bring to GRIST, with my affiliated link! I would be limitedless! :slight_smile:

Thank you again!


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