Migration to free team sites

Hi @anais-grist ! Thank you for rescuing me. You are a angel. I missed the webinar yesterday. I’m sorry.

My need is described here: Sharing limits frustration.

Copied here:

Hi folks!

I understand that it is not possible to share a document with more than two persons. There is any way, or foreseeing, of increasing this number?

I also understand that I could add “n” people as a “Team Member”, but it has a cost out of my budget.

Working with students on small projects is a little bit frustrating that we have to overcome this limit using one “community account” for a group of 3, 4 or 5 (maximum) students.

But GRIST still awesome!


I suppose that this is my “use case that doesn’t fit neatly into these two scenarios”. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

Thank you for consider this.
