Here goes a first contribution. Feedback welcome!
Working with tables
from grist import UserTable
from docmodel import global_docmodel as gdm
class Table:
def get(cls, name: str) -> UserTable:
"""Get a UserTable by name.
Note: You can turn a UserTable into a Table by doing 'your_usertable_here.table'.
return gdm.get_table(name)
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(f"No such table '{name}'.")
def get_all(cls, exclude_internal: bool=True, exclude_uppercase: bool=True) -> list[UserTable]:
"""Get all UserTables in the document. By default, Grist-internal tables as well as tables named in all caps are excluded.
Note: You can turn a UserTable into a Table by doing 'your_usertable_here.table'.
return [x.user_table for x in gdm._engine.tables.values() if not (exclude_internal and x.table_id.startswith("_")) and not (exclude_uppercase and x.table_id.isupper())]
return Table
Working with records
from grist import UserTable, Record
from docmodel import global_docmodel as gdm
class Record:
def create(cls, table: UserTable, fields: dict=None) -> Record:
"""Create a record in 'table' and optionally fill it with the values given in 'fields', then
return the new record.
table The table. Should be of type UserTable, which is what Grist gives you when you just
type the name of a valid table in a formula.
fields A dict of layout {column_name: value_to_put} specifying how to fill out the newly
created record. Defaults to None, for an empty record.
fields = fields or {}
return next((r for r in gdm.add(table, **fields)), None)
def update(cls, record: Record, fields: dict) -> None:
"""Update 'record' according to 'fields'. The latter must be a dict of layout {column_name: value_to_put}."""
gdm.update([record], **fields)
def get_fields(cls, record: Record) -> list[str]:
"""Get all fields/aka column names from a 'record'. This excludes Grist-internal invisible columns like "manualSort"."""
return [field for field in dir(record) if not field.startswith(("#","_")) and not field in ("id", "manualSort")]
return Record
Working with reference/reference list columns and invalid user input
import ast, re
from types import FunctionType
from grist import UserTable, Record, RecordSet
from objtypes import AltText
class Input:
def create_ref_from_input(cls, input: AltText|str|Record, table: UserTable, field_name: str="", fields: dict=None, input_processing_cb: FunctionType=None) -> Record:
"""Transform raw string input into a value acceptable for putting into reference-type columns by creating a linked record according to the input if no such record exists.
Background information: In a reference-type column, selecting a valid option from the dropdown menu produces input of type Record. Typing something invalid into the cell
will produce an AltText containing the input as a string instead. This is used here to create missing linked records as necessary.
input The user input.
table The table that we should create any missing linked records in.
field_name When a linked record is created, this specifies the name of the column in 'table' that should get filled with 'input'.
fields A dict of layout {name: value} specifying which other columns to fill out, and with what values, on newly created records.
Specifying a string with just an asterisk inside like "*" for a value will cause that value to be replace by 'input'.
input_processing_cb A callback function to operate on user input before it gets written to any newly created record. The function takes one parameter, the user input
as a string. It should return the processed/cleaned up value.
if not input or not isinstance(input, AltText|str):
return input
input = str(input)
input = input_processing_cb(input) if input_processing_cb else input
fields = fields or {}
if field_name:
fields[field_name] = "*"
fields = cls._prepare_fields_dict(input, fields)
return $Record.create(table, fields) or None
def create_reflist_from_input(cls, input: AltText|str|RecordSet, table: UserTable, field_name: str="", fields: dict=None, input_processing_cb: FunctionType=None, list_sep_regex: str=";", prevent_doublets: bool=False) -> list[Record]:
"""Transform raw string input into a value acceptable for putting into reference list-type columns by creating linked records according to the input if no such records exist.
Background information: In a reference list-type column, selecting a valid option from the dropdown menu produces input of type RecordSet. Typing something invalid into the cell
will produce an AltText instead, containing the input as a string representation of a list of record IDs plus the recently added user input values.
This function attempts to parse the latter as an actual list, then filter out the items that are new and create the missing linked records for them. Finally, a list of valid
Records will be returned (which a reference list-type column will accept just like a proper RecordSet).
input The user input.
table The table that we should create any missing linked records in.
field_name When a linked record is created, this specifies the name of the column in 'table' that should get filled with 'input'.
fields A dict of layout {name: value} specifying which other columns to fill out, and with what values, on newly created records.
Specifying a string with just an asterisk inside like "*" for a value will cause that value to be replace by 'input'.
input_processing_cb A callback function to operate on user input before it gets written to any newly created record. The function takes one parameter, the user input
as a string. It should return the processed/cleaned up value.
list_sep_regex Character or search pattern to split user input up by. This allows users to enter things like "one; two" into the cell and have that create two
records "one" and "two" rather than just one "one; two" on the 'table'.
if not input or not isinstance(input, AltText|str):
return input
fields = fields or {}
if field_name:
fields[field_name] = "*"
inputlist = cls.sanitize_reflist_input(input, input_processing_cb=input_processing_cb, list_sep_regex=list_sep_regex)
reflist = []
records_to_create = []
for item in inputlist:
if isinstance(item, int):
fields_for_this_item = cls._prepare_fields_dict(item, fields)
if prevent_doublets and (existing_record := table.lookupOne(**fields_for_this_item)):
records_to_create.append((table, fields_for_this_item))
for info in records_to_create:
reflist.append($Record.create(info[0], info[1]))
return reflist or None
def sanitize_reflist_input(cls, input: AltText|str|RecordSet, input_processing_cb: FunctionType=None, list_sep_regex: str=";") -> list[str|int]:
"""Transform garbage data in a reference list-type column, as caused by invalid user input, into a clean list of valid record IDs
(representing those items in the reference list that were properly selected using the dropdown menu) and strings of invalid data
(representing that which the user added by just typing into the cell).
input The user input.
input_processing_cb A callback function to operate on the user input before it gets added to the results list.
The function takes one parameter, the user input as a string. It should return the processed/cleaned up value.
list_sep_regex Character or search pattern to split user input up by. This allows users to enter things like "one; two" into the cell
and have that appear as two items "one" and "two", rather than just "one; two", on the results list.
if not input or not isinstance(input, AltText|str):
return list(input) if input else []
input = str(input)
input_list = cls.parse_listrepr(input)
input_list = [input]
result = []
for entry in input_list:
if isinstance(entry, int):
items = re.split(re.escape(list_sep_regex), entry)
result += [input_processing_cb(item) for item in items] if input_processing_cb else items
return result
def _prepare_fields_dict(cls, input: object, fields: dict) -> dict:
"""Helper function to replace the special "*" value in a column-to-value specification.
See create_ref_from_input() or create_reflist_from_input() for details."""
return {key: input if val == "*" else val for key, val in fields.items()}
def parse_listrepr(cls, input: str) -> list:
"""Parse a string that looks like a Python list into an actual Python list."""
input = str(input)
return ast.literal_eval(input)
raise ValueError(f"Input '{input}' can't be parsed as a list.")
return Input