Great news ! Grist’s documentation is now available in French
As of today, most of the content has been automatically translated using ChatGPT, which means there is still room for improvement.
If you are interested in helping us make this translation better, here’s a step-by-step guide.
Note : If you’re interested in translating the documentation in a new language, please create a new GitHub issue using this template.
Step 1 : create a account
GitHub is where the collaborative work around Grist’s code (and documentation !) happens. You can create a free account here.
Step 2 : create a GitLocalize account
GitLocalize is the tool we use to easily coordinate the translation work around documentation. You will need to connect it to your GitHub account.
Step 3 : ask to be added to the translation team
Create an issue using this template in order for a maintainer to add you to the translation team.
Step 4 : start translating
Once added, you should be able to navigate to the GitLocalize repo for the French translation of the Help Center.
Click on the document that contains the page you wish to improve, and the interface should look like this :
You can edit each paragraph on the right (the French version) and propose changes.
Note: please refrain from using “Machine Translate” as the content has already been machine-translated.
Once you are happy with your updates, click on “Submit review request”.
You can add a comment to give the reviewers context (optional), and submit your proposed changes.