Hi there!
I have pages:
Clients (Rows: Client, ContactMethod, SignupDate etc)
This is just a list of the clients.
ClientProjects(Rows: Client(Reference Clients.Client), Project)
This is a list of the clients projects. So Client has many duplicates for each of the different projects for that Client
Jobs(Rows: Client(Referenced from Clients.Client), Project(Reference ClientProjects.Project), Description, CompletionDate, etc)
Right now Project obviously shows ALL Projects. I want it to be a list of only the chosen Clientâs projects.
How can this be done?
Client, ContactMethod, SignupDate
Ron, Owl, 2001
Harry, Owl, 2001
Hermione, Owl, 2001
Client, Project
Ron, FinishSchoolYear
Ron, MakeFriends
Hermione, Study
Hermione, AbuseTime
Harry, FinishSchoolYear
Harry, DarkLordMurder
Harry, MakeFriends
Client, Project, Description, CompletionDate
Harry, DarkLordMurder, Try not to die while the Darklord does things, 2007(?)
In this example, when I am filling in DarkLordMurder for Harryâs Job, I see ALL the various Clients Projects. I want to ONLY see Harryâs (FinishSchoolYear, DarkLordMurder, MakeFriends). How can I do this?
P.S. Apologies for the terrible example. I lack creativity today.