Pygrister a Python client for the Grist Api

I’m happy to present Pygrister GitHub - ricpol/pygrister a Python wrapper for the Grist API. This grew out of a contingent need for another project, after realising that the existing Python library is lagging rather far behind.
Pygrister covers all the documented Grist APIs, comes with documentation and a test suite, also useful to have some working examples.
At the moment it is still pretty raw, and I haven’t published it on PyPI yet. You may install it directly from Github, if you want to take it for a spin - careful, though: it should work, more or less, but it’s not ready for production.
Feedback is always appreciated!


Wow, glad I made it into the newsletter!
In the meantime, I have done quite a bit of work on Pygrister, uniforming and simplifying the apis, adding support for self-hosted Grist url patterns, and so on.
I have released version 0.3 just a few hours ago on Github, and I feel that overall the apis are more stable now. I think I’m ready to release the thing on PyPI in the next few days…


Pygrister sounds like a much needed update for interacting with the Grist API. You needed appriciation for adding support for self-hosted URLs and the effort to make the APIs more stable. Looking forward to seeing it on PyPI soon.

All the best!

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Ta-da!, it’s on PyPI now… Pygrister · PyPI so this means that you may install it with python -m pip install pygrister

What’s next? Probably supporting a few on the undocumented apis, and adding at least a basic type system for records… I should also look into the Requests support for keep-alive connections, and see if pygrister could benefit from requests sessions… we’ll see…


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